Discover what this week holds in store for you through our FREE weekly horoscopes and get a better understanding of your career, love life, friendships and creativity with this unique insight into the next 7 days .
Aries 21. 3. - 19.4.
Your energy is being channeled towards resolving a conflict at work. Avoid arguments with your romantic partner this week because they won’t be able to see the discussions from your viewpoint. An aquaintance will suddenly ask you for your advice.
Taurus 20. 4. - 20.5.
Money is more on your mind than usual this week. Don’t start a business right now but wait until the time is more favorable. You will be extremely busy at work, so take care that you don’t take on more duties than you can handle.
Gemini 21. 5. - 20.6.
People are listening to you attentively this week. Take advantage of this. A new relationship is opening your eyes to new possibilities. An close friend needs help with a particular project.
Cancer 21. 6. - 22.7.
Time with family and loved ones will give you renewed energy. People will invite you out often this week, make sure you take them up on their invitations once in a while. Your current financial situation needs to be looked at.
Leo 23. 7. - 22.8.
Your boss will give you an important task this week, which will give you a great opportunity to shine. A misunderstanding between you and a close friend will be resolved. Your romantic partner will be drawn to your dramatic flair and energy more than usual.
Virgo 23. 8. - 22.9.
Don’t be too critical of other people this week. They are doing the best they can. Patience is needed regarding a practical problem on the home front. Business matters and negotiations will need to take a new direction in order for both parties to agree.
Libra 23. 9. - 22.10.
Your thoughts center around new possibilities on the home front this week. Now is the time to give attention to a loved one whom you’ve been neglecting. A social event at work will give you ample opportunity to brush up on your communication skills.
Scorpio 23. 10. - 21.11.
An long-standing argument with your romantic partner will be settled this week. A vital decision about finances will need to be resolved. This is a good time to develop a friendship with a co-worker.
Sagittarius 22. 11. - 21.12.
Travel is in store for you this week, this will give you the well-deserved break that you need. Don’t avoid a difficult situation that needs to be dealt with at home. Attention to detail will bring the best results at the workplace.
Capricorn 22. 12. - 19.1.
A profitable opportunity arises this week, but it is best not to act upon it until all the facts are gathered. A misunderstanding with a family member is resolved now. Your love life is calm and peaceful this week.
Aquarius 20. 1. - 18.2.
New ideas will come to you in unexpected ways this week. A conversation with a friend will help you channel your energies in the right direction. You will run into a time-consuming obstacle at work.
Pisces 19. 2. - 20.3.
There is abundant opportunity for personal growth now, so you should make the best of it. Spending some time at home to reflect upon past situations is advisable this week. Your romantic relationship will be comfortable without any harboured resentments.