Discover what this week holds in store for you through our FREE weekly horoscopes and get a better understanding of your career, love life, friendships and creativity with this unique insight into the next 7 days .
Aries 21. 3. - 19.4.
Your leadership abilities will create a desirable outcome for you at work this week. There are some responsibilities at home that you have been neglecting. Your romantic partnership is harmonious.
Taurus 20. 4. - 20.5.
A long-standing conflict at work is coming to a close now. Your hard efforts are being noticed by your boss and your colleagues this week. A dispute with your loved one is only temporary, and you will soon enough enjoy each other’s good musings again.
Gemini 21. 5. - 20.6.
Travel and new experiences are in store for you this week. There will be good opportunities for you to use your communication skills to meet new people. An old friend will enjoy your company.
Cancer 21. 6. - 22.7.
You are extremely busy this week and need to meet a deadline. You achieve recognition for great work done. Your dreams are very important to you right now. Remember to engage in activities that inspire and rejuvenate you.
Leo 23. 7. - 22.8.
You will impress people at work this week with your disciplined work ethic. It is important to communicate your thoughts and action to others this week. Favorable changes are happening now.
Virgo 23. 8. - 22.9.
A new project has you excited, because it gives you plenty of opportunity to let your ideas flow freely now. Your strong attention to detail is put to good use this week, when tackling a difficult and time-consuming task. The possibility of having a positive influence on other people this week is in store for you.
Libra 23. 9. - 22.10.
You are viewing an idea from a new perspective. Friends will come to you for advice this week. A problem at the work place is on your mind.
Scorpio 23. 10. - 21.11.
Your unwillingness to compromise this week is making your home life difficult. Try to listen to what your partner has to say and the fruits of this open communication will benefit you both.
Sagittarius 22. 11. - 21.12.
An obstacle on the home front is causing you much frustration during the beginning of the week. However, during the course of the week a solution will present itself naturally. Find friends and loved ones to spend time with because fun and social engagement is what fulfills you this week.
Capricorn 22. 12. - 19.1.
Rewards on a past work effort are coming to fruition this week. A project on the home front needs thorough planning and consideration, but don’t let this delay you from taking action. Take the time to attend a social gathering with a friend or loved one this week, because this is just the breath of fresh air you need.
Aquarius 20. 1. - 18.2.
Embrace the lessons learned from past experiences. Your personal relationships will benefit from your unique way of thinking and ingenuity this coming week. Avoid decisions regarding finances for the majority of the week.
Pisces 19. 2. - 20.3.
Now is the time to turn imagination into action. A friend will teach you something new, that you’d always wanted to learn. A pleasant surprise from your partner will cheer you up this week.